Vision and Mission Statement
Broadway Elementary School provides a rich, supportive educational environment which encourages all learners to reach their fullest potential. All stakeholders will participate in creating a safe, orderly climate in which people are responsible and accountable for their actions.
We believe this environment facilitates active participation, recognizes mistakes as opportunities to learn and provides respect, dignity and unity. It also provides for certain basic values such as honesty, teamwork and respect for diversity to be an integral part while nurturing a positive student self-concept. We encourage a partnership among family, school and the community to fulfill our school vision.
Broadway believes that learning is acquiring knowledge through the process of reasoning, thinking, interacting with others, and actively participating in rigorous tasks and activities.
Learning is a continuous process that occurs within the school house as well as within the community. We believe that all students have the potential to learn, that they have unique abilities, learning styles, strengths and experiences, which learning can effectively be built upon. We also believe that students learn best when they know what is clearly expected of them and they see the relevance of the subject matter.
Creative problem solving, decision making, and active participation within an integrated, standards based curriculum are key components to the learning process.