Frequently Asked Questions
How long is the school day? Is this a full-day kindergarten program?
The school day is 8:15 a.m. to 2:44 p.m. It is a full-day kindergarten program.
How many students are in a class? What is the teacher-student ratio?
The LAUSD class norm is currently 24. Each class has one teacher and possibly one part-time or full-time teaching assistant. Teaching assistants are provided for the maximum number of hours possible each year based upon parent fund-raising efforts.
How do lunch and snack/recess work?
Free breakfast. School lunch is available for students who qualify for free and reduced lunch or for those who want to buy lunch at school. You may also pack your own child’s lunch. All parents should pack a nutritious, nut-free snack for their child every day. School does not provide snacks. For the safety of all students, Broadway is a nut-free campus.
Is there an after-school program?
Yes. Broadway offers both the STAR after-school program and the District’s Beyond the Bell Youth Services Program. STAR is a structured, academic and enrichment program; Beyond the Bell is a playground supervision program. More information on both of these programs is available upon request. The Beyond the Bell playground supervision program is for students in grades 2–5 only.
Is there homework in kindergarten? If so, how much?
The LAUSD homework policy is about 15-20 minutes daily for kindergarten. Some students take longer depending on their ability to work and focus. We also require that students in all grade level read for 20 minutes daily. For kindergarten students, this can be interactive reading time with their parents. Homework provides an opportunity for quality time between parents and children. It also can be a parent’s window into the child’s school day.
How much volunteering is expected of me as a parent?
While none is required, as much as possible is needed and appreciated. Fortunately, there are a wide range of opportunities for volunteering – helping in the classroom, completing take-home projects for teachers, facilitating parent/teacher communication, participating in the Booster Club, helping with school Tours, writing grants, coordinating extra-curricular activities, and/or serving on school-wide committees. Parents interested in volunteering on campus during school hours should visit the office to obtain the required forms.
Are students allowed to walk off campus?
Absolutely not. The school is a locked campus, like all LAUSD schools, during the instructional day. The only way in and out is through the front door. Students are supervised during the instructional day and in the after school programs.
Where and when do we drop off and pick up our children?
Students may be dropped off between 7:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. The first bell rings at 8:10 a.m., at which point the students line up by class. The second bell rings at 8:15 a.m., when the instructional day starts. Breakfast in the Classroom is provided at no charge during the first 10 minutes of class and participation is strictly voluntary.
Students must be picked up at 2:44 p.m. unless they are attending the after-school program. Late parents will have to pick up their children from the office.
Drop-off and pick-up are done through the Broadway Avenue gate next to the auditorium, not the main entrance on Lincoln.